이란 선교

이란 선교지 정보

관리자 0 3,757 2017.04.30 13:40
★이란의 일반현황★
1. 국 명 - 이란(Iran)
2. 면 적 - 1,648,000 sq km (636,296 sq miles)
3. 수 도 - 테란(Tehran)
4. 인 구 - 55,840,000명(1991년기준)
5. 인구밀도 - 33.9 per sq km
6.종교상황 - 이슬람(Islamic)회교가 압도적이며 1976년 발표로는 300,000명의 기독교인, 80,000명의 유대교,그리고 30,000명의 조로아스터교가 있음.
7.언 어 - 페르시아어를 사용하며 그외 영어, 프랑스어, 독일어, 이디시어등이 쓰인다.
8.지 리 - Iran is located in the Middle East, bounded to the north by the Turkmenistan and the Caspian Sea, the east by Afghanistan and Pakistan, the south by the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, and the west by Iraq and Turkey. The centre and east of the country is largely barren undulating desert, punctured by qanats (irrigation canals) and green oases, but there are mountainous regions in the west along the Turkish and Iraqi borders and in the north where the Elburz Mountains rise steeply from a fertile belt around the Caspian Sea.
9.시 차 - GMT + 3.5 (GMT + 4.5 from March 21 to September 21)
10.전 원 - 220 volts AC, 50Hz를 사용한다.
11.GOVERNMENT - Legislative power is vested in the Islamic Consultative Assembly (Majlis), with 270 members. The chief executive is the President, and both are elected by universal adult suffrage for a 4-year term. A 12-member Council of Guardians ensures that legislation is in accordance with the constitution and Islamic precepts.


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